Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mr. Hu - Reunited - Time apart, time together

This is a wall clock concept designed to express the connections between the place/time where you are now, and alternate places/times that you have relationships with. It is based on a simple single unit.

I, for instance, recently moved to Brooklyn, NY. However, in many ways my heart remains in the San Francisco bay area. Three time zones away. The angle that New York and San Francisco make with respect to the Earth's core, is 45 degrees. So my home might contain two clocks, that show me the time of the multiple geographies of my identity.

A business might use this system to indicate all the places that they have offices globally. If for instance, my studio wanted to indicate all the places of birth of all our members - where many of our families remain, it would look like this...

Respresented: Hawaii, the contiguous United States, Poland, Turkey, Iran, India, and China.


Nearly one year ago, from a clock we departed and with a clock we return. It's good to be back at Kickface again.

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