Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mr. Shen - Video Game

RPG Lesson from Alexander Shen on Vimeo.

Oh, the things I have learned!

Monday, January 28, 2008

video game - mr. cheung - teetris

teetris from booce on Vimeo.

uggggh... sunday's laundry day.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mr. Shen - 8 Seconds - It Takes Two

It Takes Two from Alexander Shen on Vimeo.

I had a run-in with myself the other night.

Hu - 8 Second Epiphany

8 Second Epiphany from Jason Hu on Vimeo.

A recent thought of mine, stuffed into a small package.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Mr. Shen - Diagram

Mr. Shen here.

If you've forgotten how, this is how you're supposed to laugh at a joke.

mr. cheung - diagram - cinematic

in the process of developing a new film project at the moment, a bit of a photo narrative where the whole video will be told with photographs. this is some research i did over the weekend: breaking down some of my favorite scenes into stills and learning some storytelling techniques. one is from jean luc godard's "band of outsiders" and the other is from wong kar wai's "fallen angels." love those films!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mr. Shen - Icons

Mr. Shen here.

The first icon is for pachinko, one of the greatest games of chance ever to grace the planet.

The second is an icon for bald people because, frankly, bald people need icons too.

The third is an icon of the 4th member of our group who has gone missing in the world of medicine.

Mr. Hu - Icons - Kickfacers, Fibonacci

The first is a pixelgraphic representaion of the members of this Kickface endeavor. The second is an expansion upon the central pixel in a Fibonacci spiral-like way.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

mr. cheung - icon - sunlight

here's a pattern of sunlight that i made in CAD. rays of light in pixel form...

mr. cheung - part two - invisible waves

hi yall

sorry that this took so long to put up - hectic at work plus i spent some time preparing this...

anyway, i wanted to revisit the poster i did for "Invisible Waves." make it more minimal, just patterns of waves and words.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Mr. Shen - Revisit - Remix

Mr. Shen here.

I decided to revisit the theme Remix that we did a few weeks ago.

Though terribly rough and incomplete, I tried to redo the song "Happy Together" on my guitar with background vocals.

You can listen to it here.